Reserve your space
in the next available Pastoral Care Group
— 90 minute monthly virtual meetings —
6-8 participants — 6-month commitment — $180 total for 6 months
PCGs are specifically designed to create and hold space for the elements of ministry and life that often do not have the opportunity to shared and acknowledged with others elsewhere.
Each Pastoral Care Group meeting orients around Church Well Co’s 4 SLOW practices: Survey, Lament, Own, and Welcome.
Survey allows us to find ourselves in our own story and acknowledge that place.
Lament opens space for hope in ways that unspoken pain cannot hold. We lament and grieve the weight that is carried, the wounds that have been picked up along the way, and the loss we have encountered.
Ownership is a healing balm for our souls, given to us by God.
Welcome invites a sacred healing in moments when our pain, our failures, our struggles are seen by both God and others, and we are not rejected or less than because of them.
These practices give space for pain to not only be painful, but to become useful and even transformative. We reflect on our experiences, what the Spirit is teaching us and inviting us into, and invite (as appropriate) others’ experiences and perspectives into that space.
And we do this together as the apostle Paul directed the Church in Galatia, “bear[ing] one another’s burdens, and so fulfill[ing] the law of Christ.”