BrianJames McMahon, LMFT

Services Provided:

  • Therapy (California, Missouri, Virginia)

  • Coaching

  • Consulting

  • Pastoral Care Groups

About BrianJames

BrianJames McMahon is a licensed marriage and family therapist, consultant, and coach. He lives in Kansas City, where he co-directs a group counseling practice training, equipping, and launching therapists into private practice who are clinically sound, professionally competent, and personally growing. 

As a therapist and coach he works with pastors, therapists, and entrepreneurs to find healing from pain, overcome barriers to connection, unlock potential, and grow into who they are becoming. Learn more about his work as a therapist at He is licensed to work as a therapist in California, Missouri, and Virginia.

BrianJames works as a consultant with churches, community organizations, and businesses, to develop cultures and environments that are emotional and relational safe for their people. Learn more about his work as a consultant at